Hortgro Science Research Library
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V-20-USH-CP01 | S. J. E. Midgley | Historic and future modelling and mapping of early season temperature patterns and impacts for pome and stone fruit production
V-19-USE-PM02 | C. Janion-Scheepers | Soil health in orchards; the role of Collembola as key indicators
V-18-ARC-PH02 | Z. Belay | Integrated post-harvest ethylene management along the value chain
V-18-ARC-PH01 | Z. Belay | Thermal and non-thermal treatments of stone and pome fruit: Towards efficient phytosanitary measures
PO-20-USP-PM01 | J.C. Meitz-Hopkins | Postharvest mould of pome fruit stems and calyx sepals – an investigation into the incidence, cause and management
PL-20-ARC-CP01 | L. Blomerus | Screening mainstream plum cultivars for the duration of the effective pollination period and other factors influencing successful fruit set
P-16-HOR-CP03 | T. Dorfling | Evaluation of pear rootstocks for Packham’s Triumph at Jackal River Farm, Vyeboom
P-16-HOR-CP01 | T. Dorfling | Evaluation of pear rootstocks for Cheeky at La Plaisante, Wolseley
NP65-2022 | A. van Niekerk | Evaluating the potential of hyperspectral imaging for remote detection of plum marbling viroid infested nursery and young orchard trees
NP62-2022 | C. van Wyk | Increase cherry production potential through adaptability indexing of new genotypes in different South African growing areas